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  • Sisters As a Support System--SASS

    Helping individuals find their talents and use those talents to help others. 
    ​Matthew 28:19-20

Please be patient. Our website is under construction!

What we do

"In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps." --Proverbs 16:9

We aspire to show the love of Jesus by supporting women of all ages, all over the world to find their talents to help others. We believe that through the Holy Spirit this organization has been created for a time such as this (Ester 4:14) to be a light (Matthew 5:16) to people in need. SASS-Sisters as a Support System provides support, either directly, through churches, faith-based organizations, corporate partners and sponsors in all areas of need. We answered the call from our Lord and savior to foster His love all over the world and seek to point all we support to Him.

We are raising funds to build a hospital in Peru to provide cutting edge care for patients


We work with La Fuente Clinic in Cusco, Peru and are helping to raise funds to build a hospital in close proximity to downtown.  No donation is too small.  Be the person who helps to change the lives of others. 

Please forgive us as we construct our website.
You may not know now, but you will understand later.  John 13:7

You may not know now, but you will understand eventually. John 13:7